So, we have an old house. In the bathrooms we have a laundry cabinet. It isn't a laundry chute but rather a door that opens and drops into a cabinet for your dirty laundry. Anyways, in the bathroom upstairs this cabinet is literally across from the toilet. So now when I go to the bathroom Kaley follows me in there. Kaley then climbs into the cabinet, shuts the doors and plays peek-a-boo. She will randomly open a door and say "I see you".
Oh how privacy went out the window. But I must say this is preferable to her trying to see what I am doing.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Silly Toddlers
Posted by Kristin at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A Day with the Animals
Kaley's grandparents came in for a visit this weekend. We decided to take her to a local petting zoo for fun this morning. She loves animals so we figured this was a good idea. Seeing her face light up and hearing her giggle when she was with the animals was definately worth it. What was really funny was that she kept trying to feed the animals through their noses. She had so much fun that she ended up napping for almost 3 hours this afternoon. She was really sad to have to say bye to Nana and Papaw. The only downside to today was I somehow hurt myself when I had to take off after her rather quickly. It hurts to walk but hopefully that will clear up in the next few days.
Posted by Kristin at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
She isn't little anymore
In one month my baby girl will be 2 years old. Where has the time gone? I feel like i was just celebrating her first birthday. She definately cracks me up everyday. She has a new found obsession with Blue's Clues. She starts yelling at the tv "It's Blue, it's Blue" whenever I turn it on. The teens at church last night started teaching Kaley soccer. She then started running around yelling "kick it". It was so adorable. She loves playing with the big kids. She is turning into such a big girl.
Posted by Kristin at 2:30 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The first Boo Boo
Posted by Kristin at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
We are having a BOY!
We went in for the big ultrasound today. He most definately wanted us to know that he is all boy. He flashed the tech and made it very clear. We are very excited about our little boy. He is measuring right on time and everything looks good. The only minor concern is how low my placenta is sitting right now. I have a follow up ultrasound next month to see if it has moved. If it doesn't then I will be looking at a c-section this time around. I also found out that my doctor is also due in December and may not be around to deliver my little one. I'm not worried about it though. Someone will be there to deliver him and that is all that matters to me.
Posted by Kristin at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Is that what I think it is?
Oh my an actual update? Sorry things have been just a little crazy lately. We did move into our house in Spring. I love it here. It was a very easy transition it seems. We are still somewhat unpacking. The same weekend we moved in we found out we are expecting kiddo #2. Luckily I am passing out of the first trimester and I am finally starting to feel better. We find out next month what we are having. Everything looks good so far. I am due in December. We are very excited.
My little brother has been visiting us for the last 2 weeks and will be here for about 2 more. He is moving to Langley, VA in July for 2 years. It has been really good spending time with him. Kaley just adores her Uncle Jon. They are best buddies now.
Kaley oh my where to start with what she is doing now. We are starting to get real words. The rest is still gibberish but slowly we deciphering the toddlerese. She is getting really big and I can't believe she will be 2 soon. She loves playing in the sprinklers in the back yard. She loves the backyard as well. I think that might be because there is a lime tree back there that gives her "balls" to play with, silly girl.
Posted by Kristin at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
She is just too smart...
So one of the things we were hoping would wait a little while longer has happened. Kaley has figured out how to get out of her room. The doors in the duplex don't latch correctly and if you push in on them they will open. This wasn't an issue until she figured out that she can pull on the handle and get a grip on the side and pull it open. I watched her do this yesterday after I put her in her room and sat in there to see how she got out. Yesterday morning I was greeted by Kaley coming into our room and pulling my blankets off of me. At first I thought Brandon was messing with me. When she came out of her room from her nap I figured out she was just too smart. The move cannot come soon enough.
Posted by Kristin at 3:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I just have to share this piece of cuteness
Kaley was playing on her couch when she got quiet, I looked up and this is what I saw. Naturally I had to get out the camera.
Posted by Kristin at 9:58 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
I haven't forgotten about you.
Things got a little crazy last month. We started searching for a house in Tomball. Let me tell you viewing houses an hour away with a toddler is no fun ordeal. The dvd player helped tons to keep Kaley somewhat happy in the car. We learned that she loves Mary Poppins, granted she likes just about any musical. With that being said we are in contract on a house now. Provided everything goes well tomorrow with the inspection and there are no hiccups on the way we will be closing at the end of March and moving sometime the beginning of April. I cannot begin to tell you how ready I am to move. The sheer idea of Brandon getting to spend more time at home rather than driving 3 days a week is a great one. The house is just 10 minutes from where Brandon works and the neighborhood seems really nice. So keep your fingers crossed that nothing happens to this sale.
Kaley is getting so big now. She runs and plays games with us all the time. She still isn't really using words but she is always "talking". We also had to move her to a big girl bed earlier than we planned because her crib broke. She actually took to the change very well. She has fallen out of the bed a few times but for the most part I think she likes the freedom. This is how a found her the few nights after the transition. Now she automatically crawls in her bed when she is tired. Now we just have to hope that she transitions just as well when we move. I think she will do fine. I think we also will try to cut out the pacifiers after we move.
I am off to bed. We have to get up really early to drive in for the home inspection tomorrow. I will keep you updated as we start gearing up for the big move.
Posted by Kristin at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Sad News today
I just thought I would update everyone and let you know that it is looking like I am having a miscarriage. I should know more by the end of the week but it isnt looking hopeful. We are fine and just trying to handle things as best we can.
Posted by Kristin at 6:16 PM 1 comments